Those Stupid Computer Games’

Pearce Deacon
4 min readFeb 9, 2023

PROMPT: Lingering influence in house

Vincent was your normal twelve year old boy. He liked playing on his game console, he liked watching horror movies, he liked playing cops and robbers with his friends, etc. He did not like school very much but he did his homework, and he kept his mouth shut most of the time so his grades were ok and he did not get into trouble.

Over the last few years Vincent’s mother had been nagging his father to build a game area down in the basement because she hated seeing Vincent playing ‘those stupid computer games’ in the living room. Her latest argument was that Vincent’s grades would improve since he would not be playing ‘those stupid computer games’ so much. Vincent did not understand this argument since he would likely be playing even more without his mother nagging him so much, but it convinced his father to begin the project.

Saturday morning, bright and early, Vincent’s father woke him up and after a quick breakfast they both headed down into the basement to begin the process of creating a game area for Vincent. Vincent’s father seemed particularly motivated. Perhaps he too would have a place to escape the endless nagging? Vincent suspected that this was his father’s chance to get that pool table he had been talking about. That was fine by Vincent!

