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What is fascism?
I am not entirely in agreement with the modern definition of fascism:
“A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. Wordnik”
My definition is somewhat broader:
“A system of government that uses centralized government power and comprehensive societal control instead of democratic methods to achieve its political ends which usually involve some aspects of nationalism, religion, culture, and ethnicity.”
To me fascism is more of a tactic used by authoritarian regimes than an ideology. Fascism is used by minority parties to obtain power, or it is used by declining regimes to stay in power.
In my definition fascism does not have to be a brutal dictatorship. The primary aspect of fascism is the centralized government and party control that extends into every aspect of society. American fascism need not have goose stepping armies in snazzy military uniforms, or jails filled with political prisoners. Instead you could have a ‘soft’ semi-democratic fascism controlled by an elite oligarchy in charge of all of the institutions of society; government, education, business, and media. I believe that is what we have in modern America, or at…